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Vessel Safety Examination

2025 Vessel Safety Check Sticker


One of the roles of the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is to offer vessel safety checks (VSC) to boaters who wish to be sure that their boats meet all federal and state safety requirements. The Auxiliarists who do these examinations, Vessel Examiners (VE), are specially trained and knowledgeable in the field who are kept informed on the latest legal requirements for boaters. The VSC is not a law enforcement action by the Auxiliary. The goal of the program is to prevent boaters from getting equipment-related citations and to prevent safety-related accidents. These safety checks are meant to be an educational experience. No official report is made to any law enforcement authority.

The Vessel Safety Check (VSC)program provides an opportunity for the recreational boater to meet with a certified member of the Coast Guard Auxilliary to discuss ways to make sure the boater's vessel has all the safety equipment mandated by local law. In addition, the proper use of the proscribed safety equiepment is discussed. The VE will check for all required safety items on board your boat and if everything is present and in good working order, they will award a decal to affix to your boat. If you wish, they will also gladly explain the reason for the various safety equipment requirements and explain how safety equipment works. Successful completions of the VSC results in the issuance of the VSC decal. The VSC decal attests to the fact that the boat is in compliance with Federal and State requirements.

To request a Vessel Safety Inspection in the Ocean City NJ area, please call 609-399-4299 or send us an e-mail request

Vessel Safety Examination Events

Flotilla 81 of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, based in Ocean City, NJ works with local organizations that sponsor VSC Events. Below is a list of some of the events in 2025 that will be open to the General Public. No reservation is required, and additional details will be posted. Inspections begin at 9:00 AM and will continue to at least 12:00 noon.

VE Event Locations - 2025
Smith's Marina
Somers Point
  Date: TBD
Harbor Cove Marina
Ocean City
Date: TBD
All-Seasons Marina
Date: TBD
Seaview Harbor Marina
Date: TBD
Blue Water Marina Ocean City 609-398-9090 Date: TBD
Ocean Heights Marina
Somers Point
Date: TBD
Somers Point Marina Somers Point   Date: TBD
Patcong Creek Crabbing Festival Somers Point   Date: TBD
Ocean City Yacht Club
Ocean City
Date: TBD
Whale Creek Marina
Date: TBD
River Beach Resort & Campground
Mays Landing
Date: TBD